This information platform deals with asset management and investment consulting.
It offers private investors and professional asset managers an insight into the legal basics according to Swiss law as well as presenting in a comprehensive way the legal requirements in respect of accurate and professional consulting.
Emphasis is being given to inaccurate investment consulting and asset management and the legal consequences. In this respect, a possible breach of contract which may lead to the client`s assets being damaged is being illustrated. Also, it presents an overview of all customary investment strategies and investment tools. Finally, civil legal basics which are to be adhered to when it comes to claiming damages in court proceedings are outlined.
This information platform is intended to serve as a first summary of the complex legal situation in this field and offers starting points for a critical evaluation of performances rendered by asset managers and asset consultants. It, however, does not claim to be complete, accurate or current. In the event of a claim, it does not intend to be a substitute for legal advice given by a legal professional.